The BMWP in Action Series

About the Series|

The Aspen Institute Forum For Community Solutions BMWP in Action series amplifies practical, real world stories of how leaders across the country are working to advance Belonging, Meaning, Wellbeing and Purpose (BMWP) as a strategy to improve racial equity and student success.

The series includes a set of case studies exploring how leaders in a diverse set of postsecondary institutions are using BMWP approaches to increase rates of persistence and completion.

In addition to the case studies, the series will also lift up “artifacts” (e.g., survey tool, curricular framework) that are emerging from the work of each institution. Artifacts are offered as concrete starting points for postsecondary leaders that are interested in experimenting with BMWP approaches in their own institution.

We hope that these case studies and tools serve as useful resources for a diverse group of stakeholders. BMWP postsecondary case studies and artifacts have been designed specifically for postsecondary administrators (e.g., presidents, VPs), advising staff, policy makers and funders.

Resources| Case Studies

  1. Halting Oppressive Pathways through Education (HOPE) – Bunker Hill Community College

  2. Love-Centered Transformation – Austin Community College

    Stay Tuned for More From the BMWP in Action Series in the Coming Weeks!