Opportunity Youth Forum Partner Information:
Opportunity Youth Collaborative: Greenville Opportunity Youth Initiative (GO Youth)
Backbones/Lead Organizations: Rural LISC
Greenville, Mississippi is operating an Opportunity Youth Forum site called Greenville Opportunity Youth Initiative (GO Youth). In a unique partnership between Rural LISC and Washington County Economic Alliance, we have built rural infrastructure around on-ramps and off-ramps to education, workforce training, and career ladders that lead to livable wage jobs for a rural community of color.
Our success has been highlighted as a national model with additional investments from several public and private partners. We have focused on building an equity framework in the Mississippi Delta and
 have been a proven leader in youth development and engagement in economic and community development among the rural community of practice work planned by Aspen Institute. Our collaborative focuses on several specific tracks that impact youth of color, incarcerated or returning citizens, and homeless youth.
Areas of Collaborative Focus: K12 Education/Reengagement; Postsecondary education; Workforce; Incarcerated Youth and Returning Citizens.
Joined OYF: 2013
OYF Project Participation:
- Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund
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