The Aspen Forum for Community Solutions is pleased to invite everyone to join livestreamed events from Tuesday May 23rd to Thursday May 25th, happening at our annual convening of Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund partners, and at the Collective Impact Forum annual meeting. The convenings are in Boston, but you won’t need to move from your desk to attend these great events, which feature Aspen Forum staff, national experts, and most importantly, the perspectives of community partners and young adults themselves.
8:00 AM ET: Opportunity Youth Movement: Reflections and Strategies for Leading a Social Justice Agenda: Our movement must learn from the past, but create new tactics to get to the future we envision. (OYIF)
11:20 AM ET: The Boston Story: Multiple Waves of Collective Impact: How one city built on multiple collaborative efforts to create real change for opportunity youth. (OYIF)
8:00 AM ET: Complementary or in Conflict? Community Organizing and Collective Impact On power dynamics and the power of community organizing. (CIF)
12:15 PM ET: The Future of Collective Impact in Turbulent Times How can we adapt our work to the times, but stay true to our missions? (CIF)
More details on the individual sessions follows. Hope you can join us online! Check our Twitter account (@AspenFCS) for any last minute updates or changes.
Tuesday May 23, 2017: 8:00 AM – 9:20 AM Eastern
Opportunity Youth Movement: Reflections and Strategies for Leading a Social Justice Agenda
This OYIF opening plenary session will bring together leaders from private equity (and formerly from government) and philanthropy to collectively reflect on the heightened uncertainty being experienced in communities across our country. Together, these leaders will consider how we must pivot from tactics deployed in the past to act in new ways and achieve better outcomes for our country’s most vulnerable populations, especially opportunity youth. Each leader will share ideas to encourage hope and sustain faith over the long-term, multi- generational, anti-poverty efforts of the Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund network.
Spoken Word Performance: Carlos Barbosa
Speakers and Panelists:
- Monique Miles, Aspen Forum for Community Solutions;
- Steve Patrick, Aspen Forum for Community Solutions
- Melody Barnes, Aspen Forum for Community Solutions (Moderator)
- Governor Deval Patrick, Managing Director of Double Impact Business, Bain Capital and former Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice
- Hilary Pennington, Vice President, Education, Creativity and Free Expression, Ford Foundation and co- founder, Jobs for the Future
- Ryan Dalton, Cowen Institute at Tulane University
- Shawnice Jackson, National Council of Young Leaders – Opportunity Youth United
- Kimberly Pham, Project U-Turn
Watch this livestream at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QS9W9JEafQ
Tuesday May 23, 2017: 11:20 AM – 1:00 PM Eastern
The Boston Story: Multiple Waves of Collective Impact
This OYIF plenary tells the story of successful collective impact efforts in Boston that, taken together, have advanced large numbers of urban youth through education and careers pathways. First, a dropout prevention and recovery coalition mobilized a city and a school district to The gains won are a result of systems responding to an iterative and collaborative process that includes listening to youth, conducting research, piloting new approaches, and engaging a broad base of support for solutions. Speakers will share how the city is sustaining these improvements over time.
Speakers and Panelists:
- Lili Allen, Associate Vice President, Reconnection Designs, Jobs for the Future
- Boston Mayor Martin Walsh
- Turahn Dorsey, Chief of Education, Boston (Moderator)
- Emmanuel Allen, Manager, Re-Engagement Center
- Dr. Tommy Chang, Superintendent, Boston Public Schools
- Pam Eddinger, President, Bunker Hill Community College
- Paul Grogan, President and CEO, The Boston Foundation
- Amanda Shabowich, Youth Voice Project Peer Leader, Youth Voice Project
Watch this livestream at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQQVev1mNGw
WEDNESDAY, MAY 24: 8:00am – 10:00am ET
Complementary or in Conflict? Community Organizing and Collective Impact
One potential pitfall that collective impact initiatives face is not meaningfully changing the systems and power dynamics that create persistent inequities in a community. How can collective impact initiatives both work “inside” systems to improve coordination, while also working “outside” the system to change the system and disrupt power dynamics that exist? Marshall Ganz, a pioneer of grassroots organizing over the past five decades, will share what the collective impact field can learn from decades of research and practice into effective community organizing, social activism, and community change.
Welcome Remarks: Monique Miles, Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions
- Melody Barnes, Aspen Forum for Community Solutions
- Chekemma Fulmore-Townsend, Philadelphia Youth Network
- Marshall Ganz, Harvard Kennedy School
- Marjorie Parker, JobsFirstNYC
- Marc Philpart, PolicyLink
Watch this Livestream at: http://collectiveimpactforum.org/events/watch-livestream-2017-collective-impact-convening
THURSDAY, MAY 25: 12:15pm – 1:30pm ET
The Future of Collective Impact in Turbulent Times
Leaders across the collective impact field will reflect on the future of collective impact in today’s often polarized environment. Given the level of uncertainty in public, private, and nonprofit sectors today, how should cross-sector partnerships adapt to meet society’s most complex challenges? In what ways can collective impact funders, backbone teams, and other community leaders navigate potential shifts in federal, state, and local priorities? How will community engagement, equity, leadership, and other collective impact priorities potentially evolve during these turbulent times?
- Steve Patrick, Aspen Forum for Community Solutions
- Kat Allen, Communities That Care Coalition
- Tawanna Black, Northside Funders Group
- Heather Peeler, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations
- Ursula Wright, FSG
Watch this Livestream at: http://collectiveimpactforum.org/events/watch-livestream-2017-collective-impact-convening