The Pathways to Careers Fund seeks to create, accelerate, and expand innovative career pathways to improve job placement and retention for opportunity youth. The Fund builds on the work of the 100,000 Opportunities Initiative™ Demonstration Cities and seeks to deepen efforts already underway in Los Angeles/Los Angeles County.
Applicants to the Pathways to Careers Fund must be 501(c)(3) organizations such as CBOs, community college programs, workforce system organizations, or adult education programs; eligible applicants may include partnerships among these providers, but must include at least one employer partnership. In most cases, the Pathways to Careers Fund award amounts will range from $25,000 to $100,000. One time grants of up to 24 months will be awarded in January 2018.
Participation in the webinar is encouraged, but not required of prospective applicants. A recording will be available following the webinar.