CIAS 2024 Feature: Advancing Equity in Times of Polarization and Division

Without proactively removing the structures and systems that have contributed to inequity, place-based collaboratives can not make a meaningful impact on the lives of those most excluded and underestimated in communities. However, given the increasing anti-DEI political and cultural headwinds unfolding in the US and several other countries, communities are facing increased challenges pursuing their equity work.
To explore this topic, we share a video and podcast recording from the Day 3 opening panel discussion at the 2024 Collective Impact Action Summit. The panel discusses the challenges collaboratives are facing in their work to advance equity and how collaboratives can navigate through this adversity to continue making progress towards their collective goals. This session was originally held on May 2, 2024.
Please find full video, audio, and a transcript further down this page.
  • Jennifer Splansky Juster, Executive Director, Collective Impact Forum
  • Monique Miles, Managing Director, Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions
  • Paul Schmitz, Senior Advisor, Collective Impact Forum; CEO, Leading Inside Out
  • Junious Williams, Senior Advisor, Collective Impact Forum; Principal, Junious Williams Consulting, Inc.

For audio, you can listen below or on your preferred podcast streaming service, including Apple PodcastsSpotifySimplecastiHeartRadioAmazon, and other podcast apps.